Prime Lending

The intent was to place a series of magazine ads over four months. The first three stating the things that Jay was really bad at, and finishing with how great Jay was at mortgage lending. He agreed to let me place him in three unique outdoor settings.


The goal was to portray Deborah, the business owner of Mintronix, as super friendly and approachable. She wanted the ad visual to “spring to life” for the reader.

Paris Mountain Dental

Binju wanted to portray her team of dental technicians as trendy and knowledgable. Thus appealing to a younger customer base. Something that the competition was not doing at the time. I had the idea to allude to Charlie’s Angels.

Cancer Survivors Park

Aerial composition capturing the pavilion’s architectural spire along with the donor family engaged in prayer. This required a Part 107 flight waiver along with permission from the city of Greenville.